
Living Out Our Reformation Convictions: Marks of a Great Commission People — Romans 15:14-24

I had the privilege of speaking at the 2017 Gospel Coalition Conference in Indianapolis on April 4, 2017. Below is the outline of my notes from the talk. You can also download the full notes here.

  1. We will pursue the main thing while still doing many good things. (15:14-16)
  2. We will focus on the nations. (15:16)
  3. We will be Christ-centered in all that we do. (15:17-19)
  4. We will be gospel saturated in all we do. (15:19-20)
  5. We will be passionate for the unreached and unengaged peoples of the world. (15:20-23)
  6. We will do our part in helping those whom God sends to the hard places. (15:24)

Some Practical Questions to consider:

  • Do I model Great Commission Christianity before my children and grandchildren?
  • Do I pray that God would call my children and grandchildren to be international missionaries?
  • Do I have a missions saving account for my children/grandchildren?
  • Do I have the work of my Lord in my will whereby I can make my single largest gift to the Lord’s work at my death?
  • Am I generous, even sacrificial, in giving to my church, in the area of missions?
  • Have I adopted a people group internationally and here in North America?
  • Have I gone on a short term trip to see just how lost the world is?
  • Am I involved in church planting?
  • Do I pray regularly for the nations?